The Assisi Institute Journal provides a forum for interdisciplinary investigation into the presence and working of psyche in matter, and the influence of archetypal patterns and dynamics in the personal and collective domains of culture and life. Accordingly, the Journal seeks to advance analysis of the “psychic fields of experience” present in clinical and therapeutic settings, organizations (government, business, leadership, scientific, and cultural), artistic, spiritual, and religious practices, and the natural and/or built environment. Of particular importance is the contribution toward a more profound understanding of archetypal patterns as they influence both the proliferation of violence in the world and the establishment of justice and peace in human relations in both local and international communities.
Current Issue: Volume 1, Number 1 (2014)
Complete Issue
Taking the Archetypes to School
Karen Basquez
Suicide: An Archetypal Perspective
Katherine Best
Psychological Projections in the Emergence of Hive Mind
Carolle Dalley
Stages, Skills, and Steps of Archetypal Pattern Analysis
Pamela Buckle Henning