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Queen Victoria is one often most well know monarchs in both English and global history due to the extent of her empire, her personal achievements and for being the second longest reigning monarch in England. However, many have questioned if this reign was hers or if she was actually a figurehead, instead, controlled by the men in her life. In analyzing Victoria’s life and studying her diaries and letters, as well as, the writings of people surrounding her, it is evident that that her reign was ultimately led out of her own control and independently. Victoria did not see her marriage as being oppressive to her ability to reign but she also acknowledged that she would never rely on another man again, for no one could be as good as her Albert was. In his absence she grew stronger and more confident. In these last forty years Victoria saw her country through several wars, international political conflicts, encouraged and married her relations into many of the royal houses of Europe and guided an empire that controlled almost a quarter of the world’s population at its height. The argument that Victoria’s reign can be classified as an independent one is strengthened by the fact that the majority of her time spent on the throne was compromised of both these forty years of renewed confidence, as well as, the first few years of treasured independence and freedom when she first became queen. In addition, the time Victoria spent early in her marriage trying to keep Albert separate from politics illustrates her attempts at independence despite the pitfall that came after. Taking all this into consideration, it is justified to argue that Victoria’s reign was in fact an independent one.


Providence College

Academic Year



Fall 12-15-2018







