The Alembic
Subject Area
2015. Full issue, 193 pages in total including frontmatter & table of contents.
Table of Contents:
- Barefoot Princesses, Jennifer Cyr, 4
- My GPS, My Love, Walter B. Levis, 19
- Rejection, Sten Spinella, 28
- Kamaloca, Stephen Jarrett, 47
- Blinded by the Sight, Diana Vlavianos, 74
- Choice, Blake Kilgore, 102
- Four-and-a-Half Feet, Neal Mercier, 121
- The Village, Collin Anderson, 133
- Purple Petunias, Lee Varon, 159
- Simic, Guy Thorvaldsen, 1
- Nomad, Catharine Lucas, 2
- Eileen Marú, Matt Gillick, 3
- Beams, Laurie Patton, 10
- Home is a Human Being, William Nawrocki, 11
- Indecisive, Marissa Como, 14
- Matrimony, Jason Tandon, 15
- September, Jason Tandon, 16
- Listening to Seamus Heaney Read His Translation of Beowulf While at the Gym on the Elliptical Machine Quite Early, A Monday Morning, Helen Wickes, 17
- Dead Man’s Curve, Eugenie Juliet Theall, 21
- The Exchange, Elisabeth Murawski, 22
- Anarchy, Brianna Abbott, 24
- Wittgenstein’s Horse, Blake Bergeron, 26
- Fountain, Blake Bergeron, 27
- Dessert Fork, Judith Thompson, 37
- A Permanent Numb, Richard King Perkins II, 38
- Four Flashes After Midnight, Richard King Perkins II, 39
- Winter is Coming, Sarah Kitterman, 41
- Recipes, Michael Carrino, 46
- How Long is the Coast of Britain? Patrick Milian, 61
- Bursts of Tone, Patrick Milian, 64
- Kayfabe, Patrick Milian, 66
- Dear Best Friend, Emily Davey, 68
- Waiting, Emily Davey, 69
- *, Simon Perchik, 70
- Stars, David Sapp, 71
- Darkness Lost, Donna Pucciani, 72
- Childhood, Emily Benson Hurley, 92
- The Suburbs, Emily Benson Hurley, 95
- Ars Poetica, Judith Grissmer, 96
- Counterpart, Judith Grissmer, 97
- About That Study, Stephen R. Roberts, 98
- Help, I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up!, Austin Harney, 99
- Choking on Joyful Mysteries, Rosemary Dunn Moeller, 100
- Duerme Con Los Angeles, Lynn Hoggard, 109
- Above the All-Night Diner, Jennifer Tappenden, 110
- Newton’s Law, Maria Costa, 111
- Captain Birthday Counts the Stars, John Buckley and Martin Ott, 116
- Bears & Butterflies, Jonathan Greenhause, 118
- The Wild, Neal Mercier, 119
- Burning, Branan Durbin, 125
- Metal Hips, Jill Lynch, 126
- Museum, Jill Lynch, 127
- Named By What Was Wanted, Marilyn Ringer, 129
- It Is Not the Doing That’s Hard, Marilyn Ringer, 130
- Big Yellow, Marilyn Ryder-Levinson, 131
- M&M, Brian Ortiz, 147
- Mouth, Barbara Daniels, 149
- Broken Brain, Sarah Cardoza, 151
- The Legend in His Mind, Eileen Henessy, 153
- Visit to the City, Bruce Bagnell, 154
- Slow Storm, Stephen Massimilla, 155
- Uncle Joe’s Roadmaster, Chuck Tripi, 165
- Disconnected, Sheila Murphy, 166
- Alone Time, Tom McHugh, 167
- The Line, Tom McHugh, 168
- The Shadow Field, Jeffrey C. Alfier, 169
- San Pedro River Night, Jeffrey C. Alfier, 170
- Arches, Joan Wyeth, 42
- Second Chance, Melissa Brown, 42
- Hump Day, Elizabeth McQueeney, 43
- Chasing Sunsets, Elizabeth McQueeney, 43
- La Mime, Heloise Dubois, 44
- Beachside Serenity, Marisa DelFarno, 45
- La Gardia, Kelsey Blood, 112
- Liberation, Giovanna Franciosa, 112
- Suspense, Alexandra Harbour, 113
- Tree of Life, Alexandra Harbour, 114
- Inside Cattedrale Di Sant’ Andrea, Aubrey Moore, 114
- Lighting Test 1, Jake Hurner, 115
- Interview with Alison Espach, Sarah A. O’Brien, 32
- Interview with Peter Covino, Joseph Ciccarello and Cameron Condry, 84
Providence College
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