The Alembic
Subject Area
Spring 2007. Full Issue, 210 pages in total including front matter & table of contents.
Editors' Note, 9
- Adams, Carolyn, Black Ice, 13
- Adams, Carolyn, The Midnight Show, 14
- Armatas, Lia, October Indeed, 16
- Aylsworth, Peggy, Carnage at the Common Place, 17
- Aylsworth, Peggy, Where Do Dead Birds Go?, 18
- Baker, Ryan, We Shared September, 19
- Ballard, Barry, The Night of the Immediate Hour (The Tablecloth), 20
- Barrett, Jonathan, A Dying Pigeon Found in an Alley, 21
- Barrett, Jonathan, Christmas List, 23
- Bean, Jeffrey, Midnight in the Flattest Field, 25
- Beecher, Helen, five cat whiskers from my grandmother's button box, 26
- Beecher, Helen, send me no ants, 28
- Bennett, J.E., tinsel, 31
- Black, Sharon, The Map Reader, 32
- Blake, Jonathan, After, 33
- Blake, Jonathan, The Sky as it Begins to Darken, 34
- Blalock III, Georgie Lee, Not So Sure Those Women Got it Right, 35
- Braziatas, Mark, The Flammable Poem, 36
- Burress, Christina M., Les Moules, 37
- Bushelle, David, Nature Story, 38
- Carrino, Michael, Full Moon in Montreal, 39
- Caruso, Jamie, Alphabet Soup, 40
- Castleberry, R.T., Anything You Want, Anything, I Say, 41
- Castleberry, R.T., Installation: Sight Lines, 42
- Castleberry, R.T., The River Constant, 43
- Castleberry, R.T., Twelve Months, Motionless, 44
- Corwin, Phillip, The Old Bridge at Mostar, 45
- Couteau, Rob, Allen Ginsberg, 46
- D'Alfonso, Robbie, Permanent, 47
- D'Alfonso, Robbie, Selective Memory, 48
- Daldorph, Brian, Interiors, 49
- De Winter, Corrine, Skin, 50
- Dismukes, John, I used to be a bill collector, 51
- Dunn, Robert, On Building the Pyramids, 52
- Dunn, Robert, Scoffin' at Coffins Perhaps Once too Often, 53
- Dunn, Robert, Stop Short: Heavenly Choir, 54
- Fagan, Joan, Spare Dreams, 55
- Farmer, Rod, Passion, 56
- Faulwell, Dean, For Now, 57
- Faulwell, Dean, The Nature of Things, 58
- Fisher, Edward, The Days Go Dancing Round the Poles, 59
- Fisk, Brent, Fatigues, 61
- Fisk, Brent, Miracles of Sleep, 62
- Fisk, Brent, Myrtle Beach 1978, 63
- Flannery, S.P., Footprint, 64
- Friedman, Jeff, Chooch at the Cheetah, 65
- Gahl, Kathryn, The Ambulance Driver, 66
- Geiger, Timothy, Pele Visits the Palomar Observatory, 67
- Gosma, Lindsey, A Polemic on Weight, 68
- Gosma, Lindsey, Decorum, 69
- Griffith, Kevin, Let There Be Light, 70
- Griffith, Kevin, Love is Slow to Anger, 71
- Grigg, Austin, June Rain, 72
- Harshman, Marc, A Bird, 73
- Harshman, Marc, In Time for Supper, 74
- Hazard, John, Dexter City, 1959, 75
- Hettich, Michael, Like a Man, 76
- Hettich, Michael, The Alarm, 77
- Jaeger, Lowell, Don't Tell Me Any More Lies, 78
- Johnson, Alex, Again, 79
- Johnson, Alex, The Black Spot, 80
- Lunde, Dave, Baldness, 81
- Lunde, Dave, Sunset, 82
- Malesra, Craig, Hero, 83
- Malesra, Craig, Untitled, 84
- McCormack, Joseph, Repetition, 85
- McCormack, Joseph, Ritual, 86
- McCormack, Joseph, Some Summer, 87
- Miller, Alyce, En Route, 88
- Miller, Alyce, Heirlooms, 89
- Moglia, Greg, Burger Days, 90
- Moglia, Greg, Home Front, 91
- Moglia, Greg, Outlasted, 92
- Murawski, Elizabeth, Madeline is Melancholy, 93
- Parham, Robert, Touch, 94
- Parham, Robert, What Shadows Do, 95
- Penick, Robert L., Blues, 96
- Penick, Robert L., One For the Irish, 97
- Pero, Alice, Heat, 98
- Pero, Alice, Storm, 99
- Pobo, Kenneth, Hatched, 100
- Pobo, Kenneth, Old Hyacinths, 101
- Powderly, Colleen, Driving, 102
- Quaid, Andrea, Evening Song, 103
- Rafferty, Charles, Tennessee, 104
- Ressmeyer, Georgia, Mind, 105
- Ressmeyer, Georgia, Wind-Lover's Lament, 106
- Roberts, Stephen R., After Trees, 107
- Roberts, Stephen R., Dream Paraphernalia, 108
- Roberts, Stephen R., One Trillionth of a Turnip, 109
- Rodríguez, Andrés, Self-Portrait, 110
- Rypma, Judi, Tenacity, 112
- Sapia, Yvonne, Faithful, 113
- Sapp, David, Damn Arcadia, 114
- Sapp, David, The Drop Leaf Table, 116
- Sapp, David, Winter Parthenos, 117
- Sargent, Amy L., Sunday Morning on Lincoln, 118
- Sennott, Tim, Untitled, 119
- Shea, Kevin, As I Drove Into the Houghs Neck Peninsula, 120
- Shea, Kevin, II, 122
- Smith, Kevin, This is So Us, 124
- Spireng, Matthew J., Blind Man Goes on a Whale Watch, 125
- Stelzer, Skaidrite, Ode on Illness, 126
- Surowiecki, John, Elzbieta Descending a Hospital Staircase, 127
- Surowiecki, John, The Last Time Gienka Saw Her Mother [1949], 128
- Tandon, Jason, Serious Poem, 129
- Wakeman, Nancy, Fall, 130
- Wakeman, Nancy, Prisoners of the Earth, 131
- Williams, John Sibley, Morning Train, 133
- Williams, John Sibley, While I Slept, 134
- Wood, Emily, Definition, 135
- Zide, Arlene, re-Forming the Past, 136
- Zide, Arlene, Seeking Asylum, 137
- Mounier, Jean-Baptiste, Patagonia, 141
- Mounier, Jean-Baptiste, Watertown, Massachusetts, 142
- Stumpf, Jason, Acknowledgment, 143
- Stumpf, Jason, Communications, 144
- Stumpf, Jason, Encounter, 145
- Stumpf, Jason, Naming You, 146
- Azrak, John, First Reader, 149
- Azrak, John, Hallelujah, 150
- Clarke, Peter, Charity, 151
- DuBee, Christopher, Deutsche Weihnacht, 153
- Fagan, Joan, Down and Out Behind the Blue Wooden Letters, 154
- Goldstein, David Alan, To-Do List, 158
- McCauley, Jess, Not-So-Buoyant Barbies, 160
- Rein, Andrew, One Mountain Day, 161
- Shea, Kevin, Paul, 164
- Witte, Francine, Ark, 170
- Wolfson, Laura, Climbing Montmartre, 171
- Notes, 179
- Baybutt, Taylor, Shield With Nothing to Protect, 194
- Baybutt, Taylor, Roll, 195
- Baybutt, Taylor, Dirty Water, 196
- Baybutt, Taylor, Untitled, 197
- Baybutt, Taylor, At Rest, 198
- Baybutt, Taylor, Singularity, 199
- Baybutt, Taylor, Before Us, 200
- Cornelissen, Kerri, Tango, 201
- Cornelissen, Kerri, Simplicity, 202
- Cornelissen, Kerri, Eden, 203
- Cornelissen, Kerri, Before the Fall, 204
- Fegreus, Jenna, Untitled, 205
- Fegreus, Jenna, Untitled, 206
- Fegreus, Jenna, Untitled, 207
- Fegreus, Jenna, Untitled, 208
Providence College
Spring 2007
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