The Alembic
Subject Area
Spring 2010. Full Issue, 148 pages in total including front matter & table of contents.
- Altongy, Stephanie, Rosary Beads by an Amerikaner, 8
- Bergeron, Blake, Bricolage, 13
- Bretz, Bobby, Daydream of a Temporal Trireme, 15
- Brodeur, Jen, Day at the Museum, 16
- Brooks, Dorothy Howe, Lost, 17
- Callichio, David, Pyrrhus’ Latest Victory, 18
- Camrud, Madelyn, Grieving, 29
- Carr, Gladys Justin, Kwansaba for Richard Wright, 30
- Carson, Jay, I Could Not Understand in Brazil, 31
- Culver, Ralph, Taking Bluegill at Lake Seneca, 32
- DesRoche, Robert, Hands, 34
- Emerson, Donna L., Seperation in White, 35
- Fox, Griffin, My Time Machine, 36
- Frost, Sarah, Mumbai, 38
- Jaffe, Daniel, Hubba Hubba, 39
- Jones, Kelina, Ina, Luna, 43
- Knoeller, Christian, October Inventory, 44
- Krause, Richard, The Alumnus of the Year, 45
- Krouse, Katie, Haunted, 55
- Kurker, Rick, The Blind Charioteer, 56
- Lader, Bruce, Tonic for the Blue Malady, 57
- Leary, Conor, David Lied, 58
- Leonardo, Beth, The Disguise Principle, 60
- Lindau, Buff, Garden Lessons, 73
- Lynch, Stephen, Paper Dolls, 74
- Mack, Jesse, Letting the Mountain Do the Talking, 75
- McCartney, Liam, The Album, 77
- Mehrota, Tanuja, Garden, 82
- Minoff, Ann, Listening, 83
- Myers, Jed, Brave, 84
- Neal, Dan, Ena’s Jug, 85
- Otte, Timothy, Ars Persona, 91
- Pajak, Jeff, Sock Sonnet, 92
- Perel, Jane Lunin, Stolen Egg, 93
- Perel, Jane Lunin, Bird-Watching, 94
- Perel, Jane Lunin, Vinter, 95
- Plante, Corey, Twelve-Hours to Self-Discovery, 96
- Rauch, Richard T., Cigar Bands in an Ashtray, 101
- Searfoss, Kaitlin, Home-A Sestina, 102
- Shah, Sonya, Politics as Usual, 104
- Stahlschmidt, Hans Jorg, Egret, 110
- Torday, Dan, Weightlifters, 111
- Twiddy, Elizabeth, Making My World of Cut-Paper Dolls, 122
- Twiddy, Elizabeth, The Monarch, 124
- Wasylyshyn, Karol M., Emperor’s Jacket, 125
- Weyant, Andrew, The Curious Heist, 126
- Whitman, Brendan, Empty Promises Filled with Lies, 137
- Contributors, 138
- Longobardi, Matt, Austin, TX 2009, 65
- Longobardi, Matt, Miami Beach, FL 2010, 66
- Costello, Megan, Avalanche Vocals, 67
- Costello, Megan, Accelerated Consciousness, 68
- Green, Anegla, Dover Cliffs, 69
- Green, Anegla, Portabello, 70
- Mango, John, Summer Dish, 71
- Mango, John, Untitled, 72
Providence College
Spring 2010
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