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Creation Date

April 1985


Providence College Department of Theatre, Dance & Film

Blackfriars Theatre

Antigone by Sophocles, translated by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald

April 19-21 & 26-28, 1985

Director, Mary G. Farrell

Scenery & Lighting Design, Steve Crowley

Costume Design, David M. Cabral

Sound Design, Chris Ehrler

Research Consultant, Rev. Matthew Powell, O.P.

Theatre Program Director, John Garrity

Cast: Ismene - Kelly Sullivan; Antigone - Mary Vining; Choragus - Patrick Hennedy, Robert Mullen; Creon - James Maher; Sentry - Roderick Paulette; Haimon - James Colvin; Teiresias - Stephen Dias; Boy - Lori Kiley; Messenger - Arthur Rogers; Eurydice - Kathleen McAreavey

Photography by Randall Photography
