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Elements, such as arsenic, copper, phosphorus, and calcium, in soil can help biological processes if content levels are not too low or excessive. Arsenic in soil is toxic at high levels and so too much is harmful to vegetation. Copper is important for plants because it helps with chlorophyll and seed production. Phosphorus helps with plant growth, especially for new seedlings. Calcium in soil is not completely needed at high levels, but it does strengthen plants’ health. However, with factors such as different environments, average precipitation levels, and elevation levels in different counties in the Northeast, element content level differ. Therefore, the relationship between Northeast county average elevation and Northeast county element levels were compared to study any correlations. I believe with increasing elevation, there will be an increase in all four of the studied element levels in the soil because there is less vegetation at higher altitudes to use the elements in the soil.BIO 340 final project


Providence College


Spring 5-19-2023








Included in

Biology Commons



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