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As one of Earth’s most valuable pollinators, bees provide important pollination services to wild plant species and crops alike (Winfree 2010). But, in recent years, bee populations appear to be declining due to a variety of anthropogenic drivers (Potts et al. 2010). Quantifying the extent of bee population decline is difficult because there is currently a lack of a standardized protocol for how best to survey bee populations (Tepedino & Portman 2021). One of the commonly used survey methods is pan trapping, which involves leaving out yellow, white, and blue bowls filled with soapy water to passively sample the species richness of a certain location. While pan trapping is one of the most common methods for surveying bee populations, it is unknown if the frequency (i.e. trapping every two weeks) of pan trapping affects the experimentally determined bee species richness. In order to strive for more standardized survey practices, this study examines whether survey frequency affects the documented bee species richness in pan trapping surveys. I hypothesize that pan trapping survey frequency will not impact documented bee species richness. BIO 340 final project


Providence College


Spring 5-19-2023










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