Subject Area

Biology; Chemistry


Katherine Cleary ’23
Major: Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kathleen A. Cornely, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. Bacteriophages may use two different cycles to infect their hosts, which are the lytic cycle and the lysogenic cycle. During the lysogenic cycle, the phage genome integrates into the bacteria chromosome and becomes a part of the host. If a phage remains in the lysogenic cycle, the host is susceptible to infection from other bacteriophages. This process is known as superinfection and it can have a variety of outcomes. Homoimmunity occurs when the phages have similar repressor proteins. Heteroimmunity occurs when the phages have very different repressor proteins, so a complete infection can take place. When the phages have similar but distinct repressors, a partial infection of the lysogen can occur, which is called mesoimmunity. The goal of this project is to try to infect A5 cluster phage, Zolita, with other A cluster phages. This would allow us to determine if Zolita is mesolytic.


Providence College












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