Subject Area

Art; Literature


The colloquium marks the culminating semester of the DWC experience. Over four semesters, students have achieved a grounding in major texts of the western tradition, engaged in deep reading and reflection, improved their communication skills, and are ready to make connections with their majors and careers. The colloquium allows them to utilize these skills and make the transition to their future academic work. In light of this, the Development of Western Civilization Program Committee has selected 5 DWC colloquium culminating projects that demonstrate excellence in communication and critical thinking skills. We are grateful to these students for their hard work and demonstrated excellence in the DWC program.

Olivia Arslanian, Sydney King, Augustine Muller, Camryn Burns, and Giana Napolitano composed original works of art reflecting on Milton's Paradise Lost for their colloquium Dark Psychology and Literature, taught by Dr. Olga Liminios and Dr. Greg Charpentier.


Providence College


Spring 2024







Winner of Excellence in Development of Western Civilization award 2024



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