Volume 3, Number 2, Winter 1996
Complete Issue
Providence: Studies in Western Civilization Winter 1996
Providence College
Providence College
Editor's Note
Spirituality and the Arts
Alice H.R.H. Beckwith
Creativity and the Pursuit of Community
Paul J. Philibert, O.P.
Wind Swept Plains and Other Sacred Places
Frederick Jones
“To Paint Today is an Act of Faith”
Deborah J. Johnson
The Cries of Saints and Seraphim: An Interview with Sculptor Larissa Marangoni
Sean Thomas Dougherty
The Soul in Society: Fra Angelico’s Dominican Vision of Personal Spirituality and Civic Responsibility in the San Marco Frescos
Thomas D. McGonigle, O.P.
When Spirit Is Present
Ellen Stoepel Peckham
Art and Spirituality
Thomas Moore
Art and the Word of God (Arte e la Parola di Dio): A study of Angelico
Benedict M. Ashley, O.P.
The “Things of Greater Importance,” Bernard of Clairvaux’s Apologia and the Medieval Attitude toward Art
Maureen Ross
Providence College
Providence College

Providence College Press
Brian Barbour
Guest Editor
Alice H. R. H. Beckwith
Associate Editors
Rodney Delasanta
Mario DiNunzio
Laurent Gousie
Richard Grace
Thomas Grzebien
Violet B. Halpert
Leonard P. Hindsley, O.P
Laura Landen, O.P.
Patrick V. Reid
Technical Editor
Robert Booth
Copy Editor
David A. Warner
Editorial Assistants
Cathy Walsh
Carrie Larson
Jennifer Gallo