
Call for Submissions

Narrative Medicine: Essays on Health and Care is a new publication that highlights contemporary patient and provider experiences with the health care system. Our inaugural issue presents student narratives created as part of undergraduate courses on the Profession of Medicine at Providence College during the 2023-24 academic year.

Submissions will be reviewed by two members of the student editorial board, who will make a recommendation about publication. We strive to provide authors with timely feedback; all submissions will be acknowledged by the editors, and authors will receive a decision about their manuscript within six weeks from the date of submission. We will primarily spotlight submissions from undergraduates, but welcome submissions from alumni, parents, and health providers who would like to share their experiences with the U.S. health care system.

Each issue of the Journal will include 6-10 essays; we anticipate publishing two issues each year. Narrative submissions are typically between 1,500 and 3,000 words. All submissions should be in Microsoft Word file (.docx or .doc). To submit your work, please email rhackey@providence.edu with the subject “Submission: First Name Last Name.” In addition, please include the following in the body of your email: name, contact information, word count, a brief biography, and your professional or educational affiliation(s).

The perspectives and opinions in any narratives published by the Journal belong solely to the author and do not represent those of the School of Nursing and Health Sciences or Providence College. In addition, the information featured on our website or print journal is not to be interpreted as professional or medical advice.

The author retains intellectual property rights to their work. However, all published work becomes the property of the Journal.