Subject Area

Health care policy; Public health


Racism is deeply embedded in social determinants of health, establishing racial health inequities in populations of color. Recent measures have been taken to address this issue in Washington, D.C. including the 2020 Racial Equity Achieves Results (REACH) Amendment Act and the Child Wealth Building Act which focus on racial equity, social justice, and economic inclusion. My paper explores the correlation between social determinants of health, housing policies, and community by mapping racial covenants from 1940 to 2010, examining neighborhood displacement, and social determinants of health. Current mortgage lending in neighborhoods across the city is used to measure the discrimination in the housing market. Demographic data, drawn from various sources, were used to measure social determinants of health across statistical neighborhoods. The district’s racial dissimilarity index of 70.9 indicates that the city is still highly segregated and that zip codes play a significant role in individual health and exposure to violence. To achieve health equity, measures must be taken to dismantle structural racism that include community based participatory research and policies that incorporate a historical context of the problem and the voices of community members.


Providence College


Spring 3-25-2023

Start Date

3-25-2023 1:30 PM








Included in

Public Health Commons



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