
Creation Date
Providence College Department of Theatre, Dance & Film
Blackfriars Theatre
William Shakespeare's Love's Labor's Lost
October 29-31 & November 5-7, 1999
Director, Mary G. Farrell
Scenic & Costume Design, David Costa-Cabral
Lighting Design, Rob Francis
Vocal Coach, Mark Enright
Cast: Drew Royals - King Ferdinand of Navarre; Matt Duchnowski - Berowne; James Kalagher - Longaville; António-João Janeiro Jr. - Dumaine; Erin Joy Schmidt - The Princess of France; Patricia Hughes - Rosaline; Nora Whalen - Maria; Caroline Jackson - Katherine; Richard Powell - Boyet (a lord attending the princess); Brendan C. LeFebvre - Don Adriano de Armado (the Braggart, a Spanish gentleman); Kaitlyn Gentile - Moth (Armando's page); Ryan M. Brown - Holofernes (the Pedant, a school master); Leslie Tremberth - Sister Nathaniel (the curate); Robby Prattico - Dull (the constable); Justin Langin - Costard (the clown or swain); Lauren Brown - Jacquenetta (the wench, a country girl); Daniel V. Arnold - Forester; Patrick Cohen - Monsieur Marcade (a messenger from France); Courtney Cullinan and Jane Lewis - Attendants to the Princess; Peter Brodbeck and Michael Propster - Attendants to the King
Photography by Peter Goldberg