Other title
Information Commons Discussion Group, June 23, 2007, ALA Annual 2007, Washington, DC
Subject Area
Library science
Author describes a successful collaboration between librarians and academic advisors in regards to "walk-up advising" and academic advisors professional development.
June 2007
Conference Proceeding
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Powerpoint presentation presented to the ALA Annual Conference 2007, Washington, DC, Information Commons Discussion Group, June 23, 2007, Hilton Washington Hotel.
Organizers: Michael Whitchurch (Information Commons Section Head, Brigham Young University); Caroline Crouse (Reference Electronic Resources Librarian, George Washington University); Scott Mandernack (Head, Undergraduate Library, Purdue University); Donald Beagle (Library Director, Belmont Abbey College); Dr. Russell Bailey (Library Director, Providence College).
Presenters: Dr. Russell Bailey (Library Director, Providence College) ; Meg Burger (Learning Commons Coordinator, Undergraduate Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Anne Moore (Associate Director for User Services, University of Massachusetts Amherst); Carolyn Walters (Executive Associate Dean of Libraries, Indiana University Bloomington) Discussion Leaders: Alberta Comer (Indiana State University); Carolina Crouse (George Washington University); Susan Currie (SUNY Binghamton); Scott Mandernack (Purdue University); Michael Whitchurch (Brigham Young University)