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- American Studies
- Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship and Creativity
- Art & Art History
- Art & Art History Faculty Publications
- Art & Art History Student Scholarship
- Art Journal
- Biology
- Biology Faculty Publications
- Biology Student Scholarship
- Black Studies
- Black Studies Student Projects
- Black Studies Student Scholarship
- Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Chemistry & Biochemistry Case Studies
- Chemistry & Biochemistry Faculty Publications
- Chemistry & Biochemistry Student Scholarship
- Common Reading Program
- Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood (Class of 2022)
- Common Reading Essay Contest Winners
- I Am Malala (Class of 2020)
- Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? (Class of 2019)
- Outliers: The Story of Success (Class of 2018)
- Spare Parts: Four Undocumented Teenagers, One Ugly Robot, and the Battle for the American Dream (Class of 2021)
- The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Class of 2017)
- The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Class of 2016)
- Conferences & Events
- American Studies Forum
- Annual Celebration for Student Scholarship and Creativity
- Annual Undergraduate Conference on Health and Society
- Dickens Society Symposium
- Father Edward Cleary, O.P. Memorial Lecture
- Global Studies Student Research Symposium
- New England Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
- New Faculty Orientation
- Providence College Open Access Week
- Providence College Open Education Week
- Providence College Psychology Conference
- Rev. Cornelius P. Forster, O.P. Making History Conference
- Symposium on Peacebuilding and Justice
- Women in Mathematics and Computer Science
- Development of Western Civilization
- Development of Western Civilization Student Projects
- Development of Western Civilization Student Scholarship
- Economics
- Economics Faculty Publications
- Economics Student Scholarship
- Education
- Education Faculty Publications
- Education Student Scholarship
- Engineering & Physics
- Engineering & Physics Faculty Publications
- Engineering & Physics Student Scholarship
- English
- English Faculty Publications
- English Student Scholarship
- English Theses
- Student Projects
- Faculty Books
- Global Studies
- Global Studies Student Scholarship
- Health Policy & Management
- Health Policy & Management Faculty Publications
- Health Policy & Management Student Scholarship
- History & Classics
- History & Classics Dissertations and Masters Theses
- History & Classics Faculty Publications
- History & Classics Student Projects
- History & Classics Student Scholarship
- History & Classics Undergraduate Theses
- Primary Sources
- Humanities Program
- Humanities Program Faculty Publications
- Humanities Program Student Projects
- Humanities Program Student Scholarship
- INTI: Revista de literatura hispánica
- Liberal Arts Honors Program
- Fall 2014, Storytelling and the Life of Faith
- Spring 2013, Kuhn's Philosophy of Science
- Spring 2013, Science and Religion
- Spring 2014, Dostoevsky
- Spring 2015, British Society and Culture
- Spring 2015, Faith and Science
- Mathematics & Computer Science
- Mathematics & Computer Science Faculty Scholarship
- Mathematics & Computer Science Student Scholarship
- Music
Music Department Productions
- Opera Workshop 2002
- Opera Workshop 2004
- Opera Workshop 2006
- Opera Workshop 2013
- Opera Workshop 2023
- Music Student Scholarship
- Narrative Medicine: Essays on Health and Care
- Open Access Week
- Phillips Memorial Library
- Library Commons
- Library Commons Basics
- Library Faculty and Staff papers
- Library Research and Reports
- Phillips Memorial Library Undergraduate Craft of Research Prize
- Transforming Library Service Through Information Commons: Supplementary Material
- Philosophy
- Philosophy Faculty Publications
- Philosophy Student Scholarship
- Political Science
- Political Science Faculty Publications
- Political Science Student Scholarship
- Related Scholarship: Symposium on Peacebuilding and Justice
- Providence College Community Scholars
- Community Scholar Publications
- Providence: Studies in Western Civilization
- Psychology
- Psychology Student Scholarship
- Public & Community Service
- Public & Community Service Student Projects
- Public & Community Service Student Scholarship
- Scaling SRSD
Contributions from the Scaling SRSD network of schools
- Assessment: Writing Scoring and Analysis, Class, Grade, School
- Curriculum Integration Exemplars
- Facilitator/Coaching Materials
- Lower Elementary (K-2) Lessons and Materials
- School/District Wide materials about SRSD
- Upper Elementary (3-6) Lessons and Materials
- Scaling SRSD Professional Learning Model
- Scaling SRSD Project Reports
- What is Self Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD)?
- School of Business
- School of Business Faculty Publications
- School of Business Student Scholarship
- Social Work
- Social Work Student Scholarship
- Social Work Theses
- Sociology
- Sociology Department Faculty Publications
- Sociology Student Scholarship
- Sociology Between the Gaps: Forgotten and Neglected Topics
- Special Collections
- Historical Catholic and Dominican Documents
Rhode Island 11th United States Heavy Artillery Collection
- Rhode Island 11th United States Heavy Artillery Circulars Collection
- Rhode Island 11th United States Heavy Artillery Correspondence Collection
- Rhode Island 11th United States Heavy Artillery Equipage Collection
- Rhode Island 11th United States Heavy Artillery General Orders Collection
- Rhode Island 11th United States Heavy Artillery Subject Files Collection
- Rhode Island History
- Special Collections Miscellanea
- The Judge Robert E. Quinn Interviews on Mid-20th Century Rhode Island Politics
- The Trial of Buzzell
- The Alembic
- The Assisi Institute Journal
- Theatre, Dance & Film
Creative Writer’s Festival
- Creative Writers Festival 2015
- Creative Writer’s Festival 2016
- Creative Writer’s Festival 2017
- Creative Writer’s Festival 2018
- Creative Writer’s Festival 2019
- Creative Writer’s Festival 2020
Dance Concerts
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 2000s
- 2010s
- 2020s
Film Festivals
- Celluloid Stage Series (2003)
- Film Fest (2004)
- Film Fest (2005)
- Film Fest (2009)
- Student Film Festival 2010
- Student Film Festival 2011
- Student Film Festival 2012
- Student Film Festival 2013
- Student Film Festival 2014
- Student Film Festival 2015
- Student Film Festival 2016
- Student Film Festival 2017
- Student Film Festival 2018
- Student Film Festival 2019
- Student Film Festival 2023
- Student Film Festival 2024
- Student Video Slam (2005)
- Video Fest (2006)
- Theatre, Dance & Film Faculty Publications
- Theatre, Dance & Film Student Scholarship
Theatre Productions
- 1970s
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 2000s
- 2010s
- 2020s
- Pre-1969
- The Cowl
- The Dorr Rebellion Project
- Dorr Scholarship
- Pamphlets: Contemporary Assessments of the Dorr Rebellion
- The Heritage Journal
- Theology
- Theology Faculty Publications
- Theology Graduate Theses
- Theology Student Scholarship
- The Prose Poem: An International Journal
- Women's & Gender Studies
- Women's & Gender Studies Faculty Publications
- Women's & Gender Studies Student Projects
- Women's & Gender Studies Student Scholarship
- World Languages and Cultures
- Our Heritage: Short Stories of Bilingual Youth in the Northeastern United States
- World Languages and Cultures Faculty Publications
- World Languages and Cultures Student Scholarship