The Alembic
Subject Area
Spring 2002. Full issue, 159 pages in total including front matter & table of contents.
Table of Contents:
- Editor's Note, 5
- Wedmore, Suellen, That Afternoon, 7
- deNiord, Chard, Beach, 11
- Adams, Lavonne, Burn, 12
- Anselmo, Jamie, Tracy, 13
- Bevard, Chris, Bella Luna, 14
- Brown, Ryan, Two, 15
- Brown, Ryan, For You Whom, 16
- Burrows, E.G., Lariat, 17
- Cesta, Emily, In Those Days, 18
- Clompus, Brad, Pigeon In a Box, 19
- Coalter, Jocelyn, Sunday Morning, 21
- Cochran, Leonard, Wings, 22
- Desy, Peter, Burnings, 23
- Dickinson, N. Lee, Home of the Pop Tart and Brave Frozen Skillet Meal, 24
- Ferreira, Neil, Cookie Man, 25
- Friedman, Jeff, Bowling Instruction, 27
- Friedman, Jeff, The Twist, 29
- Galvin, Martin, Screened Bird, 30
- Halscheid, Therese, Cathedral, 32
- Hemschemeyer, Judith, Derivation, 33
- Herzberg, Don, Me and Herb, 34
- Lettiero, Michelle, Untitled, 36
- Lettiero, Michelle, For You, 37
- Lock, Kelly, Because My Mother Wouldn't Tell Me, 38
- Mattawa, Khaled, Vicinity (i, ii, iv, v, vii), 40
- Miller, William, My Father in Hell, 45
- Ott, Martin, Unclaimed Baggage Center, Scottsboro, Alabama, 46
- Paolino, Aaron, Archer, 48
- Perel, Jane Lunin, Falmouth Heights: The Dragon, 49
- Perel, Marissa, The Visitor, 50
- Petreu, Marta, In Our Secrecy, 52
- Petreu, Marta, Marta's Everyday Dress, 53
- Petreu, Marta, In Memory of Cruelty, 54
- Petreu, Marta, Psychic Place I, 55
- Petreu, Marta, Psychic Place II, 56
- Sandy, Stephen, Discovered Country, 57
- Sargent, Jennifer, Dandelion Heads, 58
- Silex, Edgar, What He Wanted, 60
- Spencer, Mary-Joy, The Direction of a Leave, 61
- Tomlinson, Rawdon, Geronimo and the Brothers of Light, 62
- Toner, Tiffany, Stone Soup, 64
- Brooks, Charles Edward, The Shop Window, 67
- Cappellucci, Elysia, Swans, 76
- Chinquee, Kim, The Homes of Wild Rose Terrace, 80
- Johnson, Peter, The Chair, 92
- Keller, Erin, Whiter Days, 98
- Kerr, James, Absolute Auction, 101
- Upton, Lee, Maureen's Murder Mystery, 115
- Ward, James, Every Commandment but the Fifth, 120
- Corey, Quinlan, Giraffe, 131
- Gagnon, Angela, Untitled, 132
- Hang, Ducha, 133
- Philpott, John, 134
- Tavares, Ralph, I Wonder if She's Thinking of Me, 135
- Esolen, Anthony, Dante, The Divine Comedy, Purgatorio, 139
- McCrorie, Edward, Homer, The Iliad, Book VI, Lines, 393-489, 156
Contributor's Notes, 161
Providence College
Spring 2002
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