The Alembic
Subject Area
The Alembic - Spring 2012. Full Issue, 447 pages in total including front matter & table of contents.
- Williamson, Susan R., Bridal 10
- Williamson, Susan R., Take Out 11
- Dubnov, Eugene, Odysseus 12
- Dubnov, Eugene, All in White Snowdrifts 17
- Cameron, Micaela, Dickens 21
- Cameron, Micaela, South Kingston, Rhode Island 22
- Douglass, Karen, Our Lake House 23
- Holmes, Margaret, Linden 24
- Rothman, Robert, A Fall 3 3
- Myers, Jed, A Greater Creature 34
- Cadwallader, Anne-Marie, Brother and I 35
- Walsh, Rylie, Predator 38
- Orlowsky, Dzvinia, Black Dog 56
- Orlowsky, Dzvinia, North of Patsy Cline 58
- Orlowsky, Dzvinia, Stung 59
- Interview: Mary Kennedy, Sarah Murphy, & Caroline O’Shea, A Conversation with with Dzvinia Orlowsky 60
- Orlowsky, Dzvinia, Stolen 67
- Eisner, Amy, Admiration 70
- Carberry, Maura, Icarus Wings 71
- Lucas, Jorge, Good/Bad/Yes/No 72
- Yaffe, Lauren, Nightcrawler 79
- Anupama, A., Night Vrksasana 80
- Anupama, A., Horseback Meditation 81
- Owens, Matthew, Hannuka—For Sara 82
- Michner, Christian, The Glass Boys 90
- Levering, Donald, Descanso 109
- Marshall, Robert, A Schematic Narrative of a Conflict in France 110
- Greenbaum, B. P., The Sack 112
- Frenkel, Cindy, Winter Pool 118
- Day, Holly, The Sweet Spot of the Universe 119
- Vignati, Brian, As I Lay Burning 120
- O’Shea, Caroline, August 127
- Mohin, Keely, Death Came Knocking September 1918 128
- Kelly, Mary Kate, Sail: For Marianne Moore 131
- Cocciardi, Tommy, The Hole 132
- White, Meredith, The Bitch Turned Psycho 140
- White, Meredith, The Epic Ballad of My Parents 142
- White, Meredith, O Christmas Tree 143
- Gumbrecht, Steve, South of Samsara 144
- Bennett, Josh, The Incongruity of Being 150
- Goodnow, Emily, Puzzles 160
- Channon, Dominic, Alcatraz Prison House & Bruce Bay Moonrise 161
- Dickson, Rose, Venice, IT & Urbino, IT 162
- Dickson, Rose, Venice, IT from light/black series163
- Hobbs, C. J., Tunnel Entrance; Rochester, NY 164
- Hobbs, C. J., Children’s Asylum & Abandoned Subway 165
- Costello, Elise, Eze & Amsterdam 166
- Costello, Elise, Untitled 167
- Channon, Dominic, Midnight Lights 168
- Pobo, Kenneth, Salmon Streak 169
- Berman, Marc, Fado 170
- Martin, Betsy, Mermaid 171
- Belair, Mark, Deer 172
- Valvis, James, Cheap 174
- Valvis, James, Poem Composed Entirely with Last Lines of Honor Moore Poems 175
- Lynch, Dennis,Life on the Willowemac 176
- Davenport, Katie, Withering Love 182
- Parilla, Catherine Arturi, Storm Sewer 183
- Wood, Alyssa, Discarded 184
- O’Brien, Sarah, The Line Received 197
- O’Brien, Sarah, Coffee Wednesday 198
- Ferland, Francesgrace, All On My Own 202
- Doyle, James, In the Crow’s Nest 204
- Frost, Kenneth, Chasing Breath 2.06
- Frost, Kenneth, The Bell 207
- Hannigan, Matt, Habla Ruso 208
- deNiord, Chard, Awake in a Dream 214
- deNiord, Chard, Crane’s Beach 215
- deNiord, Chard, Going to Town 216
- deNiord, Chard, It’s Hard Now 217
- Interview I Kerry Vaughan & Max Widmer, A Conversation with Chard deNiord 218
- Jemal, Michael, The Visit 228
- Jemal, Michael, November 230
- Guidry, Jacqueline, Leave the Boy Be 232
- Pucciani, Donna, Beach, Llanes 246
- Passafiume, Michael, The Belt of Orion 247
- Birk, Jens, Haze 250
- Ostrander, Fred, The Bird 260
- Wheeler, Casey, The Revelation of Breathing 261
- Weeramantry, Iromie, Sujitha Underground 262
- Sheehy, Colin, Dragons Breathing 272
- Bretz, Bobby, Hollow Point 273
- Weidner, C. Rochelle, All His Careful Lies 274
- Otsuji, Derek N., Portrait of an Immigrant 286
- Tandon, Jason, Nightfall 288
- Costello, Megan, Cannes Playground & Untitled 289
- Barbasch, Sophie, Map & Fish 290
- Barbasch, Sophie, Naomi & Wahoo 291
- Yeo, Ji, The Beauty #06 & The Beauty #09 292
- Yeo, Ji, Grey Folding Chair #03 & The Beauty #04 293
- McQueeney, Liz, Nothing But Net 294
- Gavry, Zachary, Bound 294
- O’Brien, Sarah, A New York Dream 295
- Costello, Megan, While I Was Dreaming & In December 296
- Bentley, Richard N., To a Departed Cat 297
- Mills, Todd Easton, Chaos Theory 298
- Fox, Griffin, Valentine’s Day 307
- Douglas, Leisha, St. Barth’s Shadow 310
- Tripi, Chuck, The Boy in the Ocean 311
- Domonkos, Julie, The Box 312
- Robinson, Jay, Inferno 322
- Robinson, Jay, Vandalism 323
- Stafford, Charles L., Green Like Money 324
- Dunn, Mary Bess, Colonel Fate Havens 331
- Perel, Jane Lunin, Mermaid 340
- Perel, Jane Lunin, Cognac 341
- Interview: Christen Baglaneas, Maura Carberry, & Emily Davey, A Conversation with jane Lunin Perel 242
- Ferleger, Doris, Be Kind 346
- Ferleger, Doris, jump 347
- Hicks, Alison, Space 348
- Pretorius, CM, Hippopotamus 361
- Provazza, Victoria, Ace 362
- Clark, Charlie, Devil Drawing Police Sketches375
- Brown, Amanda, Orange Sun 376
- Muto, Melanie, Peacock 377
- Harris, Daniel, The Closer 378
- Germic, Stephen, A Long Time at War 392
- Tansey, Christopher, The Slow Man’s Trumpet 394
- Milburn, Michael, On the Breeze 400
- Hostetler, Ann, Neuroma 401
- Hostetler, Ann, Jahrzeit 402
- Murawski, Elisabeth, Memorial Photo—Spoleto Cemetery 403
- Genaro, Bruce, Workshopped to Death 404
- Feresten, Matthew J., Regrets 422
- Contributors 43O
Providence College
Spring 2012
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