Subject Area

Culture; Multiculturalism & pluralism


Grace Maffucci ’22
Majors: Music Performance and Spanish
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Monica Simal, Foreign Language Studies

After the abolition of slavery in Cuba in 1886, Black Cubans struggled for equality and a place in a White-dominated society. The twentieth century brought about a deeper exploration of Afro-Cuban culture and identity through several forms of art. Despite the promise of racial equality guaranteed by Fidel Castro at the dawn of the Cuban Revolution, conversations about racial identity were silenced. This study delves into the music, literature, and art of twentieth century Afro-Cuban artists, notably poet Nicolás Guillén, painter Wilfredo Lam, and filmmakers Nicolás Guillén Landrián and Sara Gómez, examining how they used the arts to represent their identity. The project compares the representation of Blacks and Blackness in Cuban society before and during Fidel Castro’s revolution and demonstrates how Afro-Cuban artists contested the ideal of a raceless national identity, promoted by the socialist government. The art, music, film, and literature of Afro-Cubans in the 20th century offer crucial insight into the Afro-Cuban identity, and have been integral to the struggle against discrimination, injustice, and the threat of erasure Afro-Cubans have suffered since the birth of the Cuban nation.


Providence College












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