Volume 8 (1999)
Cover Featured
Denied Areas
James Tate
Zed Ander
In Grandma's Bathroom
Nin Andrews
My Aphrodisiac
Nin Andrews
Lucky, The Latin Lover Of Lombard, Illinois
Rane Arroyo
The Metaphor
Douglas Blazek
The Mother's Son
Robert Bly
If You're There Pick Up
Michael Bowden
Beyond Painting
Elizabeth Brennan
Ignis Fatuus
Christopher Buckley
The Method
Maxine Chernoff
Wearing Moe
Maxine Chernoff
Heavenly Bodies
Maxine Chernoff
The Land of Liars
David Citino
That UFO That Picked On Us
Cecil Helman
Inevitably, Perhaps
Brian Henry
The Rubbing
Jennifer L. Holley
I Had A Sister Named Table
Gabe Hudson
Everything I Said Was A Punch Line
Gabe Hudson
The Leopard's Mouth Is Dry And Cold Inside
Larry Levis
Toad, Hog, Assassin, Mirror
Larry Levis
Larry Levis
The Plains
Larry Levis
Meditation On Suicide
Alexander Long
Three Heroes
Morton Marcus
From Necessities
Christopher Merrill
Somebody Wants To Steal My Name
Henri Michaux
Henri Michaux
Plume Had A Sore Finger
Henri Michaux
Plume On The Ceiling
Henri Michaux
Zorro Wises Up
Augusto Monterroso
Sleep Well
Nina Nyhart
The Dwindlers
Nina Nyhart
Blood Somewhere
Jane Lunin Perel
Chance And The Lot Of Time
Pierre Reverdy
Combat Area
Pierre Reverdy
Behind the Eyelids
Pierre Reverdy
To Each His Own
James Tate
All Over The Lot
James Tate
Her Silhouette Against The Alpenglow
James Tate
Casting A Log Shadow
James Tate
Für Bowser
Liz Waldner
A Stockbroker Dreams A Story,
Charles H. Webb
Lullaby For The Elderly
David Young
Kitchen Ruckus
David Young
Book Reviews
Book Review: Michael Delville's The American Prose Poem: Poetic Form and the Boundaries of Genre
Marjorie Perloff
Book Review: Linda Smukler's Home in three days. Don't wash.
Elizabeth Gordon
Book Review: Lissa McLaughlin's The Grouper, Joseph Torra's Keep Watching the Sky and Cecilia Woloch's Sacrifice
Brooke Horvath
Book Review: Gian Lombardo's Who Lets Go First
Brian Johnson
Other Material
The Lost Prose Poems of Larry Levis
Christopher Buckley
Interview: The Art Of The Prose Poem
Russell Edson
Commentary: Spontaneous Breasts
Nin Andrews
Commentary: The Doorway of Perception
Michael Benedikt
Commentary: Edouard's Nose
Greg Boyd
Commentary: Bitter Angel
Amy Gerstler
Commentary: Basketball
Louis Jenkins
Commentary: After The Weather
Mary A. Koncel
Commentary: The Blue Whale
P. H. Liotta
Commentary: Travel Notes
Jay Meek
Commentary: Neandertal Hotline
Robert Perchan
Commentary: A Woman Leans
Gary Young
Commentary: Mortal Colors
John Bradley

- Editor
- Peter Johnson
- Assistant Editor
- Brian Johnson
- Advisory Editor
- Donald L. Soucy
- Contributing Editors
- Michael Benedikt, Robert Bly, Russell Edson, Sibyl James, Morton Marcus, Naomi Shihab Nye, Charles Simic
- Staff
- Kurt Johnson, Michael Kerns, Chris Macli, Janet Masso, Kelly Spillane