The Best of the Prose Poem: An International Journal
Special Issue
The Prose Poem: An International Journal was published in eight volumes, from 1992 through 1999. In 2000, editor Peter Johnson gathered a selection of poems from these volumes to highlight in a Best of format.Works listed under the "Cover Featured" heading were printed directly on the front cover of the issue in which they were published.
Works listed under the "Poems" heading were contained within individual issues.
Works listed under the "Additional Material and Poems" heading consist of other portions of the book, as well as four poems that were never published in any previous volume.
Additonal Poems and Other Material
Peter Johnson
Selected Bibliography
Peter Johnson, Michel Delville
My Own House
Robert Ignatow
A Modern Fable
Robert Ignatow
Attention, Everyone
William Matthews
Cover Featured
Last Gifts
Kim Addonizio
Warning To The Reader
Robert Bly
Without Recrimination
David Ignatow
Theseus and Ariadne
Charles Simic
Denied Areas
James Tate
In The Sportsman
Robert Alexander
Dear Shahid,
Agha Shahid Ali
Moral Discourse
Jack Anderson
In Grandma's Bathroom
Nin Andrews
The Obsession
Nin Andrews
The Summer My Sister Turned Fourteen,
Nin Andrews
Lucky, The Latin Lover Of Lombard, Illinois
Rane Arroyo
Progress I
Rose Ausländer
The Toymaker Gloomy But Then Again Sometimes Happy
Michael Benedikt
Viol da Gamba
Aloysius Bertrand
An Oyster Shell
Robert Bly
If You're There Pick Up
Michael Bowden
Memo to Ariadne
John Bradley
The Accident
John Bradley
Ignis Fatuus
Christopher Buckley
A Little Request
George Chambers and Raymond Federman
Heavenly Bodies
Maxine Chernoff
The Land of Liars
David Citino
Early radios talk...
Killarney Clary
But These Boys Today
Craig Czury
Psalm For Fay
Philip Dacey
Jon Davis
In History: I
Jon Davis
In History: II
Jon Davis
Indifferently, he watched ...
Ales Debeljak
In this moment...
Ales Debeljak
Dad's Home
Peter Desy
The Urban Life
Liljana Dirjan
Alphabet Soup
Stuart Dybek
The Antique Shop
Russell Edson
The Portrait
Russell Edson
The Traveling Circus
Russell Edson
Maria Of The Night
Nikos Engonopoulos
Rip Van Winkle
Elke Erb
Clayton Eshleman
The History of Passion Will Tumble This Week
Gary Fincke
A Little Kitchen Music
Lawrence Fixel
The Smile At The Foot Of The Ladder
Lawrence Fixel
T. S. Eliot Was A Negro
Charles Fort
Richard Garcia
Mysterious Tears
Amy Gerstler
The Wolverine
Gary Gildner
Words Found Above A Swinging Gate
James Vladimir Gill
Shopping Trip
Miriam Goodman
Lifting The Virgin
Richard Gwyn
The Grinder Baruch Espinosa
Leo Haber
That UFO That Picked On Us
Cecil Helman
The Invitation
Brian Henry
The Rubbing
Jennifer L. Holley
Thursday Afternoon: Life Is Sweet
Holly Iglesias
Proud Of Myself
David Ignatow
A Little Charade
Gray Jacobik
Le Nouveau Temps
Sybil James
The Working Life
Louis Jenkins
Brian Johnson
Self-Portrait (Kneeling)
Brian Johnson
The Things A Man Keeps
Jim Johnson
The Preparation Of Bone Glue
George Kalamaras
After the Weather
Mary A. Koncel
Emanuel On The Tightrope
Mary A. Koncel
The Big Deep Voice Of God
Mary A. Koncel
No Name For It
Stephen Kuusisto
The Leopard's Mouth Is Dry And Cold Inside
Larry Levis
Toad, Hog, Assassin, Mirror
Larry Levis
In Melville's Room
P. H. Liotta
A Balkan Odyssey
P.H. Liotta
A Poem For Ahab
P.H. Liotta
Check-In At Nurnberg
Rachel Loden
Gian Lombardo
If Words Hold Still
Gian Lombardo
On The Bias
Gian Lombardo
Doing Hatha Yoga
Robert Hill Long
Small Clinic At Kilometer 7
Robert Hill Long
The Mussorgsky Question
Morton Marcus
The Stone Flowers
Morton Marcus
Three Heroes
Morton Marcus
Black Light
Peter Markus
The Prodigal Son Is Spotted On The Grassy Knoll
Dionisio D. Martinez
Difficulty In My Heart
Kathleen McGookey
Ugly, smiling Agnes...
Kathleen McGookey
Leaving Roadside Motels
Jay Meek
Roadside Motels
Jay Meek
From Necessities
Christopher Merrill
Plume Had A Sore Finger
Henri Michaux
Henri Michaux
Self Portrait As My Father
Kristy Nielsen
Hammer And Nail
Naomi Shihab Nye
Ghost Triptych
Nina Nyhart
War Stories
Nina Nyhart
I Remember Clearly
Imre Oravecz
Robert Perchan
Nights At The Races
Robert Perchan
Blood Somewhere
Jane Lunin Perel
Ahead And Behind
Francis Picabia
The Spectator
Constance Pultz
All sorts of rubbish . . .
Jacques Réda
The fair starts . . .
Jacques Réda
Behind the Eyelids
Pierre Reverdy
Combat Area
Pierre Reverdy
Evening Walk
Yannis Ritsos
Your Time Will Come
John Shoemaker
Euphemia Gray's Pubis
Charles Simic
Heroic Moment
Charles Simic
Voice From the Cage
Charles Simic
China Lesson
William Slaughter
A Parisian Dinner
Ellen Smith
Windy Day at Kabekona
Thomas R. Smith
The Director
Brian Swann
Man and His Shadow
Jean Tardieu
All Over The Lot
James Tate
Her Silhouette Against The Alpenglow
James Tate
To Each His Own
James Tate
Max In Egypt
Carine Topal
Mail-Order Bride
Helen Tzagoloff
Letter From The Cabin
Mark Vinz
The Getaway
Mark Vinz
Not 'Why Build' But 'Which Tools'
Chris Volpe
What Perhaps You Don't Understand
Diane Wald
Post Prandial
Liz Waldner
A Stockbroker Dreams A Story,
Charles H. Webb
The Next Morning
Tom Whalen
Gertrude And Alice Pose
Peter Wortsman
The Riddle Of The Sphinx
Peter Wortsman
Song Of The Gourd
C.D. Wright
Kitchen Ruckus
David Young
Lullaby For The Elderly
David Young
I discovered a journal...
Gary Young
My son is learning about death ...
Gary Young
The Sky Upon Us
James A. Zoller