"The Shipwrecks' Cabal" by Nikos Engonopoulos

Nikos Engonopoulos (1907-1985) was the infant terrible of Greek surrealism. The prose poems presented here are from his first two collections, Do Not Speak to the Driver (1938) and The Clavichords of Silence (1939). ["Contributor Note" from original publication, 1992.]

Martin McKinsey completed his translation In the Flowering Greek Tongue: Selected Poems of Nikos Engonopoulos while in Greece on a translation grant from the Greek Ministry of Culture and during a Fulbright stint (1990-91). His other translations recently have appeared in Poetry, APR, and The Selected Poems of Yannis Ritsos (eds. Friar and Myrsiades, BOA Editions, 1990). ["Contributor Note" from original publication, 1992.]
