"I Remember Clearly" by Imre Oravecz

Imre Oravecz has been a Visiting Fellow at the University of Iowa and a Fulbright Lecturer at the University of California at Santa Barbara. He has published five books of poetry, most recently, September 1972, a book which sold out over night in Hungary. ["Contributor Note" from original publication, 1992.]

Translator Bruce Berlind's poems and translations appear in recent or forthcoming numbers of Grand Street, Kenyon Review, Partisan Review, and Poetry. His latest book is Birds and Other Relations: Selected Poetry of Dezso Tandori (Princeton University Press). September 1972, from which Imre Oravecz's poems are taken, will be published by a new house in London. ["Contributor Note" from original publication, 1992.]

Translator Mária Kőrösy, the English Secretary at the Hungarian PEN Club in Budapest, holds the Master of Arts degree in English Literature from Budapest Uinversity. Since 1977 Mrs. Kőrösy has worked with Bruce Berlind on his translations of Hungarian Poets. ["Contributor Note" from original publication, 1992.]
