"Man and His Shadow" by Jean Tardieu

Jean Tardieu is one of the leading voices in France today. Since 1933 his plays, poems, essays and other texts have been published by Gallimard. In 1972, he received the Grand prix de poésie de l'Académie française and in 1981 the Grand prix de poésie de la ville de Paris. His most recent works are On vient chercher monsieur Jean and La Comédie de la comédie, both with Gallimard, 1990. ["Contributor Note" from original publication, 1993.]

James Vladimir Gill's poetry, fiction, essays and translations have appeared in Mississippi Review, The Kenyon Review, Cimarron Review, Svetova Literatura (Prague),Frank (Paris), and Illuminations (UK). From 1982 to 1987 he published and edited 2PLUS2, an annual collection of International Writing. ["Contributor Note" from original publication, 1993.]
