"Stuart Dybek’s <i>The Story of Mist</i> and Naomi Shihab Nye’s <i>Mint" by Richard Murphy

Richard Murphy currently resides on Martha's Vineyard where he is reading and writing about contemporary fiction in the inner city. ["Contributor Note" from original publication, 1994.]

Stuart Dybek's prose poems and short short fictions have appeared in Brass Knuckles and The Coast of Chicago, and most recently in a chap-book, The Story of Mist (State Street Press), which is reviewed in this volume. ["Contributor Note" from original publication, 1994.]

Naomi Shihab Nye's collection of paragraphs (reviewed in this issue) is Mint from State Street Press. Her other recent books are This Same Sky, a collection of poems from around the world which she edited, and Sitti's Secrets, a children's picture book about her Palestinian grand¬mother, both from Four Winds Press/Macmillan. ["Contributor Note" from original publication, 1994.]
